The Committee

The principal officers of the club are named below. Please feel free to get in touch by phone. You can contact the Chairman by telephone or email.

PresidentLucinda Green MBE
Vice President
Co-ChairFiona Webb07783 421181nag(at)
Co-ChairSusan Wheatley07869 079231 susanjrw(at)
Secretary Leah Burgin07854 858345net(at)
TreasurerChris Webb bank(at)
MembershipJanet Burnett01980 863404janetburnett68(at)
TeamsSusie Pool07787 573808rein(at)

Other committee members and their contact details are as follows. Please feel free to get in touch with anyone – they will be very pleased to hear from you.

Committee Members

Ian Spalding 07717 586784ian.spalding(at)
Jenny Allan07745 236126 jeallan(at)
Julia Croombs
Ruth Spooner
Sue Baker07586 946506asmpbaker(at)
Val Goode07849 490824 val_goode(at)