

BVRC QUIZ The Lion, Clanville, Nr Weyhill SP11 9HN

What3Words entrance: ///fairy.charm.nerd

Our popular annual quiz is for members and guests.  The quiz includes several rounds of questions each on a different topic e.g. General Knowledge, Sport, Entertainment, etc. with equestrian questions in a round or mixed in.

A couple of ‘beer rounds’ are included to allow us to keep topped up with food & drink.  Four or five people can make up a team, or if you come on your own then just turn up and we can find a team for you to join.

A list of devious questions will be devised, guaranteed to get the old grey cells working and provide plenty of amusement.

The evening is for members and guests, and 4-5 people can make up a team.  If you come on your own, just turn up and we will find a team for you to join. 

Come early, order a drink and some food, ready for the quiz to start at 8pm.


BVRC Studland Beach Ride, Saturday 16th November, 9am

Ready to ride at 9.30am.

A ride along Studland Beach. 
Studland is a lovely sand beach on the Jurassic coast, horses are allowed on in the winter and at low tide the sand is a perfect surface.
Plenty of parking, toilets and cafe facilities.

It is a National Trust site so if you are a member, bring your card for free parking!
£25 each – limited places so book early!
Contact Jenny –

Postcode – BH19 3AH    What3words:  ///canine.pelts.warm

BVRC Table Top Tack Sale, Saturday 2nd November, 11am-1pm

Weyhill Fairground Hall, The Fairground, Weyhill,
Andover, Hampshire SP11 0QN
What3Words: ///hoped.risky.alike

Rectangular Table   £10 Members   £14 Non-Members
Square Table           £6 Members     £10 Non-Members
Limited number of tables available – sold on a first come, first service basis

To book email Val Goode at / telephone 07849 490824 (ring after 5pm ONLY)

Sellers set up from 10.30am

Buyer’s entry £1 per person
(Please bring cash for all payments}

Tea, coffee and cakes on sale




BVRC Studland Beach Ride Sunday 2nd March, 9am

Ready to ride at 9.30am.

A ride along Studland Beach. 
Studland is a lovely sand beach on the Jurassic coast, horses are allowed on in the winter and at low tide the sand is a perfect surface.
Plenty of parking, toilets and cafe facilities.

It is a National Trust site so if you are a member, bring your card for free parking!
£25 each – limited places so book early!
Contact Jenny –

Postcode – BH19 3AH    What3words:  ///canine.pelts.warm

BVRC Hot Cross Bun Social Ride, Bulford/Tidworth Road – Good Friday, 29th March, 10.15am

Each year we usually hold a Hot Cross Bun ride across Salisbury Plain for members and guests starting and finishing opposite ‘F’ Range mid-way between Bulford and Tidworth on the road past all the Army ranges.  The turning to the south is on the Bulford side of the Cross Belt What3words: ///adjust.aboard.hobbyists (which marks the Hampshire Wiltshire border) off the Tidworth Road/Bulford Road.
Parking is on the open grass by the trees What3words: ///desiring.losing.snake, opposite the entrance to the clearly signposted F Range – watch for the orange BVRC signs to guide you in.
There are usually two groups, one cantering about a bit more than the other walk/trot ride. There is a stop, two thirds around the ride, in a sheltered covert, for some warming coffee or refreshing juice and as many hot cross buns as you can eat or stuff in your pockets.
Anyone who has been on one of these rides will tell you it is not to be missed with everyone, riders and horses, coming back to the lorries with smiles on their faces!
The ride is free to members and a small charge of £5 to friends (16 years and over), payable on the day.
Meet at 10.15am ready to ride, for a 10.30am departure and we aim to be back at the parking area by 1pm.This is always a well attended event so please email: to book your Hot Cross bun(s).On this ride it is always a good idea to plan for every climate eventuality as it has been known to snow and blow but don’t let that put you off….. Emergency number to contact Susie on the day is 07787 573808.          

BVRC Residential Camp at Stockland Lovell – 22nd – 25th April 2024
Full details together with application form can be found here.

BVRC Social – BHS Road Safety Presentation, 7pm Thurs 02 May

On Thursday 02 May, we are playing host to the BHS Road Safety Team.  The presentation helps educate drivers and horse riders on how to stay safe when they encounter one another.  With alarming new figures regarding horse related accidents, we felt this would be a useful event for the local riding community.  Starting at 7pm (doors open at 6.30pm)  the talk will take approximately one hour and will include a Q&A.

Entry fee:  FREE for BVRC members (donations welcome)
                  £5 for non-members (£3 for under 16s) at the door
                  (All profits will go to the BHS)

Venue:      Sports & Social Club, Salisbury Road,
                 Shipton Bellinger SP9 7UW
                 What3words: ///finalists.weeknight.bridge

Refreshments will be available. 

We do hope as many people as possible can make it to this presentation and Sue Baker would appreciate it if you could let her know by messaging her on 07586 946506, emailing or clicking on the button below if you wish to attend.


BVRC Annual Quiz Night – Friday 27th January, 7.30 for 8.00pm.
The Lion, Clanville, Nr Weyhill, SP11 9HN

What3Words entrance: ///fairy.charm.nerd

Our popular annual quiz is for members and guests.  The quiz includes several rounds of questions each on a different topic e.g. General Knowledge, Sport, Entertainment, etc. with equestrian questions in a round or mixed in.

A couple of ‘beer rounds’ are included to allow us to keep topped up with food & drink.  Four or five people can make up a team, or if you come on your own then just turn up and we can find a team for you to join.

A list of devious questions will be devised, guaranteed to get the old grey cells working and provide plenty of amusement.

The evening is for members and guests, and 4-5 people can make up a team.  If you come on your own, just turn up and we will find a team for you to join.  Feel free to just turn up but if you could let us know you plan to come (email Fiona, it will give us a rough idea of numbers.

Come early, order a drink and some food, ready for the quiz to start at 8pm.

If you wish to eat you MUST pre-book with the Lion in advance, by Tuesday 24th January. Details of menus can be found on

Quiz cost is £5 members, £6 non members.

BVRC AGM – Tuesday 7th February 2023, 7.30pm for 8pm
The Lion, Clanville, Nr Weyhill, SP11 9HN

What3Words entrance: ///fairy.charm.nerd

This is an opportunity to review events, discuss the future, voice any other news or views and have a chat. The meeting will start at 8pm so there is time to get some food and a drink beforehand.

Food must be ordered in advance directly with The Lion, 01264 771007 /

The AGM will include:

  • Elections for the posts of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee Members.
    Details of vacancies and what each job entails were emailed on 29thNovember.
    If you have any nominations for the vacant posts or you wish to fill any of the positions yourself, then each nominee will need to be proposed and seconded.
    Any nominations should be received by Friday 3rd February and given to Louise Makepeace, email:
  • Presentation of Be Fair & Caballine trophies and rosettes (see below for full results)
    The Be Fair trophy and a year’s membership will be awarded Frances Hall. Rosettes are presented to the successful top ten members.
    The Caballine Trophy will be awarded to Fiona Webb and the Caballine Rose Bowl awarded to Sue Baker.
    Rosettes are presented to the top four committee members and the top ten non-committee members in the points table.
    We hope you will make a big effort to attend the presentation, either to receive awards or congratulate those who are in the rosettes.

BVRC is an active, successful, club that offers an unrivalled level of activities.

After a difficult period during Covid and with the current tough financial climate, BVRC needs your help to uphold their current standing.

It is time to consolidate the achievements of 2022 and move forward into 2023, but we need your help.

We do need to find volunteers to share the organisation/administration to sustain all our wonderful events.


Will you consider joining the Committee?

Committee Members
We have an active, hardworking, committee who work as a team to put on events for the benefit of the members.
Committee members work in pairs to organise & take entries for one show a year.
Help at two or three other events, either setting up or on the day, is valuable.
Social events are also part of the itinerary. Ideas for events and venues are welcomed.
Committee meetings occur approximately every 3-5 weeks, the frequency determined by the events programme.
Comprehensive notes and equipment lists, for Organisers/Secretaries, are available and help and advice is always on hand from other committee members. If you would like more information, please contact Lindsay email:

We cannot operate without a full committee, so please consider joining our happy throng.

If you are unable to attend on 7th but would be happy to fulfil one of the posts, you can still put your name forward for election.

Can you Help?
There are several tasks which could be undertaken by non-committee members. If you don’t wish to join the committee, but feel able to help out or have any other special skills that would help in the organisation / administration of BVRC, please contact Lindsay or Louise.

We look forward to seeing you at the AGM on 7th February.

BVRC Brain and Behaviour Talk & Dressage Simulator sessions with Amanda Barton

BVRC Brain & Behaviour, Thursday 23rd February, 6.30pm for 7pm start
The Lion, Clanville, Nr Weyhill, SP11 9HN

What3Words entrance: ///fairy.charm.nerd

How the horse’s brain works and how this influences training and performance.
Come and join us for an interesting and informative presentation from Amanda Barton BSc, PhD on how the structure of the brain determines how horses learn and what influences their behaviour and progress in training.
By understanding how your horse’s brain makes connections to develop its ability to respond to the aids you will optimize your training sessions. 
Amanda will also explain, from a neurological perspective, why it is impossible to have a ‘naughty horse’! 
She will also cover the human/horse nervous system connection and how the interplay between these affects the ability of the partnership to learn and develop.
Amanda is a BHS accredited Professional Coach, a UKCC Equine Endurance Coach and Pony Club Coach.  She has experience with most equine competitive disciplines as well as western riding, Icelandic gaited horses, carriage driving and natural horsemanship.  She runs private sessions and clinics at her training centre at Brockenhurst in the New Forest. 
Members £7, Non- Members £10.
Please let Fiona Webb know if you will be attending email: 
Please pre-order with the Lion if you intend to eat first.

BVRC Dressage Simulator Sessions, Saturday 11th March with Amanda Barton

We are very pleased to offer the opportunity of group sessions with Amanda and Talullah, her simulator horse.  Amanda uses her simulator horse and the Franklin Method to help riders make changes within themselves to improve their riding, without the need to travel their own horse. The focus on 11th March will be on the pelvis, how this influences our horse’s stride length as well as our balance and security in the saddle.   Group sessions for 4 people are 90 minutes, with everyone having about 20 minutes on Talullah.  A maximum of 4 group sessions (16 people) can run in one day.

Members £25, Non Members £30.

Please let Fiona Webb know if you want a place email: 

Travel to Brockenhurst can be shared if desired.

BVRC Studland Beach Ride Sunday 12th March, 9am

Ready to ride at 9.15am.

A ride along Studland Beach. 
Studland is a lovely sand beach on the Jurassic coast, horses are allowed on in the winter and at low tide the sand is a perfect surface.
Plenty of parking, toilets and cafe facilities.

It is a National Trust site so if you are a member, bring your card for free parking!
£25 each – limited places so book early!
Contact Jenny –

Postcode – BH19 3AH    What3words:  ///canine.pelts.warm

BVRC Hot Cross Bun Social Ride, Bulford/Tidworth Road – Good Friday, 7th April

Each year we usually hold a Hot Cross Bun ride across Salisbury Plain for members and guests starting and finishing opposite ‘F’ Range mid-way between Bulford and Tidworth on the road past all the Army ranges.  The turning to the south is on the Bulford side of the Cross Belt What3words: ///adjust.aboard.hobbyists (which marks the Hampshire Wiltshire border) off the Tidworth Road/Bulford Road.  Parking is on the open grass by the trees What3words: ///desiring.losing.snake, opposite the entrance to the clearly signposted F Range – watch for the orange BVRC signs to guide you in.There are usually two groups, one cantering about a bit more than the other walk/trot ride.  There is a stop, two thirds around the ride, in a sheltered covert, for some warming coffee or refreshing juice and as many hot cross buns as you can eat or stuff in your pockets.Anyone who has been on one of these rides will tell you it is not to be missed with everyone, riders and horses, coming back to the lorries with smiles on their faces!  The ride is free to members and a small charge of £5 to friends (16 years and over), payable on the day.                                

Meet at 10.15am ready to ride, for a 10.30am departure and we aim to be back at the parking area by 1pm.

This is always a well attended event so please call Lindsay (01264 772388 email: to book your Hot Cross bun(s).

On this ride it is always a good idea to plan for every climate eventuality as it has been known to snow and blow but don’t let that put you off…..

BVRC Residential Camp at Stockland Lovell – 24th – 27th April 2023

Full details together with application form can be found here.

BVRC Perham Down Social Ride, Sunday 21st May 2023, 10.45am – CANCELLED

Following last years popular rides, we are returning to Perham Down for another escorted ride. It gives the opportunity to explore different surroundings and enjoy beautiful scenery.
The terrain will be open countryside with a mix of grass and stony tracks, hills and through woods.
Guided by Louise Makepeace, the ride will take about 1½-2 hours with some good canters.
Drinks and cake will be provided on return.

Parking is on the flat grass area behind some houses – room for plenty.
Meet at 10.45am ready to ride at 11am.
Ride free to Members –  Limited numbers – maximum of 6.
Guests (16 years and over) £5/person upon request, if numbers permit.

Contact Louise Makepeace to book a place. email:
Emergency number on the day is BVRC Mobile: 07377 087121.

Nearest postcode is SP11 9JR.       What3Words : ///curiosity.confetti.twee

From Tidworth: Station Road – go past the army camp on left, turn right into Benin Road at Poppies Day Nursery What3Words: ///frowns.refined.corn
From Andover: after Weyhill, take a left onto the Great Shoddesdon Road, turn left on Benin Road at Poppies Day Nursery What3Words: ///frowns.refined.corn
On Benin Road – Take a left after the last row on houses on the left onto a gravel road
Follow the road on to an open grass area on the left to park.

BVRC BBQ and in-hand Demonstration with Ms Tracey Lawson,
Sunday 30th July, 11am, at Croftwood, Salisbury Road, Shipton Bellinger, Tidworth, Hampshire, SP9 7UNH
‘The in-hand job’ Learning to dance with your horse on the ground to aid soundness, competitive and non-competitive ridden work.

Tracey is a flatwork and groundwork instructor covering Hampshire, Berkshire and Surrey whose passion is to pass on the knowledge she gained from classical masters like Charles de Kunffy, and Arthur Kottas (former Chief Rider for the Spanish Riding School). Tracey teaches a variety of clients and takes great delight in seeing their relationships with their horses grow from those wanting to rehab or keep horses in non-ridden work through ground work to happy hackers wanting to develop their horses correctly to those wishing to progress in competition. In this in-hand demonstration we will look at a variety of groundwork exercises and stretches to promote developing the horse correctly and keeping them sound and supple from youngsters to their twilight years. We would love for you to join us and learn to dance with your horse!
Venue: Croftwood, Salisbury Road, Shipton Bellinger, Tidworth, Hampshire, SP9 7UNH
Time: Sunday 30th July, arrival from 11am for 11:30 demo followed by a BBQ
Cost: £10 members and £12.50 Non-members

To book please email with numbers and any dietary information – payment to be made to Sort Code: 20-02-25, Account No.: 40404357, Account Name: Bourne Valley Riding Club. Please quote BBQ & your name.

Please bring blankets or chairs to sit on and your drink of choice and note parking is limited please car share where able.

CANCELLED – BVRC Perham Down Social Ride, Sunday 22nd October 2023 (changed from 21st), 10.45am

We are returning to Perham Down for another escorted ride. It gives the opportunity to explore different surroundings and enjoy beautiful scenery.
The terrain will be open countryside with a mix of grass and stony tracks, hills and through woods.
Guided by Louise Makepeace and Gareth Hall, the ride will take about 1½-2 hours with some good canters.
Drinks and cake will be provided on return.

Parking is on the flat grass area behind some houses – room for plenty.
Meet at 10.45am ready to ride at 11am.
Ride free to Members –  Limited numbers – maximum of 6.
Guests (16 years and over) £5/person upon request, if numbers permit.

Contact Louise Makepeace to book a place. email:
Emergency number on the day is BVRC Mobile: 07377 087121.

Nearest postcode is SP11 9JR.       What3Words : ///curiosity.confetti.twee

From Tidworth: Station Road – go past the army camp on left, turn right into Benin Road at Poppies Day Nursery What3Words: ///frowns.refined.corn
From Andover: after Weyhill, take a left onto the Great Shoddesdon Road, turn left on Benin Road at Poppies Day Nursery What3Words: ///frowns.refined.corn
On Benin Road – Take a left after the last row on houses on the left onto a gravel road
Follow the road on to an open grass area on the left to park.

BVRC Table Top Tack Sale, Weyhill Fairground Hall
Saturday 4th November, 11.30am

Click for full details BVRC 2023 Tack Sale Leaflet

Rectangular Table   £10 Members   £12 Non-Members
Square Table           £6 Members     £8 Non-Members
To book table email Val Goode at

BVRC Longleat Forest Woodland Walk Ride
Ludlow Farm EC, Bradley Road, Warminster BA12 7JY

Saturday 18th November,10.45am
Ready to Ride: 11am

Please note this ride will be mostly in walk, with some trotting, The routes horses are allowed on are hard, so there is little opportunity to canter. It will give plenty of time for chatting and enjoying being in the forest.

Escorted by Jenny Allan and Fiona Webb, the ride will take between 1.5 – 2 hours.

Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided back at the farm.

Parking at Ludlow Farm EC is £5 per horsebox or car & trailer, pay on the day.
Please park neatly and clear all droppings, hay before leaving.

Ride is free to members (see above for parking fee) with space for up to 8 riders.
Guests (16 years and over) upon request, if numbers permit at £5 per person.
Organiser and contact on the day: 
Jenny Allan
07745 236126
Ludlow Farm EC
Postcode: BA12 7JY     What3Words: ///strapping.crumbles.dorms

BVRC Dressage Simulator Sessions with Amanda Barton,

Saturday 25th November at Tilefield Equestrian, Brockenhurst 

 We are very pleased to once again offer the opportunity of group sessions with Amanda and Talullah, her simulator horse at Tilefield Equestrian, Brockenhurst in the New Forest. Amanda uses her simulator horse and the Franklin Method to help you make changes within yourself to improve your riding, without the need to travel with your horse.

The focus on 25th November will be on the shoulders, how their position influences our horse’s ability to balance himself while carrying us, particularly when jumping, plus our own balance and ability to use our legs more effectively. Group sessions are 90 minutes for 4 people, with everyone having about 20 minutes on Talullah.
The first group will be 2pm, second group 3.30pm.
Members £25, Non Members £30.

Travel to Brockenhurst can be shared if desired.
Organiser and contact on the day: 
Fiona Webb
07783 421181
Tilefield EC
Tilebarn Lane
Nearest Postcode SO42 7UE/F
What3Words: ///chestnuts.rivals.ages
Directions | Tilefield Equestrian

BVRC Christmas Curry Night, Tuesday 5th December, 7.30pm at Mughal Tandoori Restaurant,  33 Andover Road, Ludgershall SP11 9LU

£22 per head for BVRC members     £25 per head for non members

Cost includes a poppadum & pickles, starter, main course (£4 surcharge for king prawns), rice/naan and tip.
Drinks and desserts are extra and payable on the night.

Please RSVP to if you would like to attend. 

Orders will be required in advance.
Payment (preferred in advance but can be cash on the night) to:          BVRC, sort code: 20 02 25, account number: 40404357, ref: Curry [your surname]

Mughal Tandoori Restaurant (

BVRC Pre-Christmas Social Ride, Larkhill Racecourse, Sunday 17th December 2023 at 10.15am

Having had to cancel last year due to frozen ground with rain on top, this year we are planning to return to our usual start point of Larkhill Racecourse for the BVRC Christmas ride.  There should be two groups, one cantering about a bit more than the other walk & trot ride. Instead of stopping part-way round, a Burbages’ mince pie will be available on return and you might like to bring your own flask for something hot to drink.

Anyone who has been on one of these rides will tell you it is not to be missed, with everyone, riders and horses, coming back to the lorries with smiles on their faces.  The ride is free to members though a small charge of £5 will be taken for friends (16 years and over), payable on the day.  Please be mounted and ready to ride by 1015 for a 1030 start.  We should be back at the parking area by 1pm.

This is always a well-attended event so please call Lindsay (01264 772388) or email her, to book your place and Mince Pie(s).  On this ride it’s always a good idea to plan for every climatic eventuality as it has been known to snow and blow but don’t let that put you off!

Emergency number to contact Lindsay on the day is 07377 087121.


BVRC Hot Cross Bun Social Ride, Bulford/Tidworth Road – Good Friday, 15th April

Each year we usually hold a Hot Cross Bun ride across Salisbury Plain for members and guests starting and finishing opposite ‘F’ Range mid-way between Bulford and Tidworth on the road past all the Army ranges.  The turning to the south is on the Bulford side of the Cross Belt What3words: ///adjust.aboard.hobbyists (which marks the Hampshire Wiltshire border) off the Tidworth Road/Bulford Road.  Parking is on the open grass by the trees What3words: ///desiring.losing.snake, opposite the entrance to the clearly signposted F Range – watch for the orange BVRC signs to guide you in.

There are usually two groups, one cantering about a bit more than the other walk/trot ride.  There is a stop, two thirds around the ride, in a sheltered covert, for some warming coffee or refreshing juice and as many hot cross buns as you can eat or stuff in your pockets.

Anyone who has been on one of these rides will tell you it is not to be missed with everyone, riders and horses, coming back to the lorries with smiles on their faces!

The ride is free to members and a small charge of £5 to friends (16 years and over), payable on the day.

Meet at 10.15am ready to ride, for a 10.30am departure and we aim to be back at the parking area by 1pm.

This is always a well attended event so please call Lindsay (01264 772388 email: nag[at] to book your Hot Cross bun(s).

On this ride it is always a good idea to plan for every climate eventuality as it has been known to snow and blow but don’t let that put you off…..

BVRC Residential Camp at Stockland Lovell – 25th-28th April 2022 – see full details

BVRC Perham Down Social Ride,
Saturday 1st October 2022, 10.45am

Following the success in May, we are returning to Perham Down for another escorted ride. It gives the opportunity to explore different surroundings and enjoy beautiful scenery.
The terrain will be open countryside with a mix of grass and stony tracks, hills and through woods.
Guided by Louise Makepeace and Gareth Hall, the ride will take about 1½-2 hours with some good canters.
Drinks and cake will be provided on return.

Parking is on the flat grass area behind some houses – room for plenty.
Meet at 10.45am ready to ride at 11am.
Ride free to Members –  Limited numbers – maximum of 6.
Guests (16 years and over) £5/person upon request, if numbers permit.

Contact Louise Makepeace to book a place. email:
Emergency number on the day is BVRC Mobile: 07377 087121.

Nearest postcode is SP11 9JR.       What3Words : ///curiosity.confetti.twee

From Tidworth: Station Road – go past the army camp on left, turn right into Benin Road at Poppies Day Nursery What3Words: ///frowns.refined.corn
From Andover: after Weyhill, take a left onto the Great Shoddesdon Road, turn left on Benin Road at Poppies Day Nursery What3Words: ///frowns.refined.corn
On Benin Road – Take a left after the last row on houses on the left onto a gravel road
Follow the road on to an open grass area on the left to park.

BVRC Talk by farrier, Jack Girling, DipWCF, The Lion, Clanville, Nr Weyhill, SP11 9HN,
Thursday 20th October, 7.30pm

What3Words entrance: ///fairy.charm.nerd

Jack Girling, DipWCF, will be giving a talk on how to identify problems/conditions that a farrier can help with, emergency care such as twisted shoes and helping Thoroughbreds have heels.  He will also talk about the challenges faced by our horses’ feet from changing weather patterns and what we can do to support them. There will be plenty of time for questions throughout.

Come early, order a drink and some food, ready for the talk to start at 7.30pm.  If you wish to eat you MUST pre-book with the Lion in advance, by Monday 17th October.  Details of menus can be found on

Talk cost is £5 members, £6 non member.

To give us some idea of numbers, please let Fiona Webb know if you plan to join us,  email or 07783 421181.

BVRC New Forest Social Ride – Janesmoor Pond Car park, Near Fritham,
DATE CHANGED to Sunday 13th November, 10.15am

Ready to Depart at 10.30am

The New Forest is always stunningly colourful at this time of year with plenty of wildlife to see by way of ponies, cattle and possibly the odd pig.  Probably will include a water crossing.
There are opportunities for good trots and cantering plus relaxing chatting and admiring the scenery.

Escorted by Janet Burnett, the ride length will be around 2 – 2.5 hours.

Home made soup and a roll will be provided either part way round or at the end.

Plenty of room in the car park off the Fritham to Stoney Cross road.

Ride free to members –  up to 6.   A nominal donation for World Horse Welfare would be welcome.
Guests (16 years and over) upon request, if numbers permit at £5 per person.

To book your place contact Janet Burnett on or 07767 228184

Nearest Postcode SO43 7HH           What3words: ///officers.objecting.record.

BVRC Table Top Tack Sale, Penton Village Hall
Saturday 19th November, 11.30am

Click for full details BVRC 2022 Tack Sale Leaflet

Rectangular Table   £10 Members   £12 Non-Members
Square Table           £6 Members     £8 Non-Members
To book table email Val Goode at

BVRC Pre-Christmas Supper at Pink Olive, Weyhill – Friday 25th November 2022, 7.30pm

BVRC Longleat Forest Woodland Walk Ride – Ludlow Farm EC, Bradley Road, Warminster BA12 7JY,
Sunday 27th November, 10.45am

Ready to Ride: 11am.

Please note this ride will be mostly in walk, with some trotting, The routes horses are allowed on are hard, so there is little opportunity to canter. It will give plenty of time for chatting and enjoying being in the forest.

Escorted by Jenny Allan and Fiona Webb, the ride will take 2 to 2.5 hours

Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided back at the farm.

Parking at Ludlow Farm EC is £5 per horsebox or car & trailer, pay on the day.
Please park neatly and clear all droppings, hay before leaving.

Ride is free to members (see above for parking fee) with space for up to 8 riders.
Guests (16 years and over) upon request, if numbers permit at £5 per person.

Emergency number on the day is BVRC Mobile: 07377 087121

To book your place please contact Fiona Webb : or 07783 421181. 

Postcode: BA12 7JY     What3Words: ///strapping.crumbles.dorms

BVRC Pre-Christmas Social Ride, Bulford/Tidworth Road,
Sunday 18th December 2022 at 10.15am –

This year’s Christmas ride across Salisbury Plain will start and finish at a new location, as Larkhill will be busy with Point-to-Points so unavailable for parking.  This time we will be starting at our normal place for the Hot Cross Bun ride, opposite the ‘F’ Range firing area, between Bulford and Tidworth on the range road. The turning is on the Bulford side of the Cross Belt (which marks the Hampshire-Wiltshire border).
Parking will be on the open grass by the trees (what3Words: ///slant.flooding.drags), opposite the entrance to the clearly signposted F Range – watch for the orange BVRC signs to zero you in.
There will be two groups, one cantering about a bit more than the other walk/trot ride. Instead of stopping part-way round, some drinks and a Burbages’ mince pie will be available on return.
Anyone who has been on one of these rides will tell you it is not to be missed, with everyone, riders and horses, coming back to the lorries with smiles on their faces!  The ride is free to members though a small charge of £5 will be taken for friends (16 years and over), payable on the day.
Please be mounted and ready to ride by 10.30am. and we should be back at the parking area by 1pm.
This is always a well attended event so please call Lindsay (01264 772388) or email her at, to book your place and Mince Pie(s).
On this ride it’s always a good idea to plan for every climatic eventuality as it has been known to snow and blow but don’t let that put you off !!

Emergency contact on the day only is 07377 087121 (no texts).


BVRC Pre-Christmas Social Ride, Bulford/Tidworth Road,
Sunday 19th December 2021 at 10.15am

This year’s Christmas ride across Salisbury Plain will start and finish at a new location, as Larkhill will be busy with Point-to-Points so unavailable for parking.  This time we will be starting at our normal place for the Hot Cross Bun ride, opposite the ‘F’ Range firing area, between Bulford and Tidworth on the range road. The turning is on the Bulford side of the Cross Belt (which marks the Hampshire-Wiltshire border).
Parking will be on the open grass by the trees (what3Words: ///slant.flooding.drags), opposite the entrance to the clearly signposted F Range – watch for the orange BVRC signs to zero you in.
There will be two groups, one cantering about a bit more than the other walk/trot ride. Instead of stopping part-way round, some drinks and a Burbages’ mince pie will be available on return.
Anyone who has been on one of these rides will tell you it is not to be missed, with everyone, riders and horses, coming back to the lorries with smiles on their faces!  The ride is free to members though a small charge of £5 will be taken for friends (16 years and over), payable on the day.
Please be mounted and ready to ride by 10.30am. and we should be back at the parking area by 1pm.
This is always a well attended event so please call Lindsay (01264 772388) or email her at, to book your place and Mince Pie(s).
On this ride it’s always a good idea to plan for every climatic eventuality as it has been known to snow and blow but don’t let that put you off !!

Emergency contact on the day only is 07377 087121 (no texts).

BVRC Residential Camp at Stockland Lovell – 19th-22nd April 2021 – CANCELLED



Tom Blachford is a Saddler and Saddle Fitter and owns L for Leather Saddlers Ltd. Based in the New Forest, Tom covers a 1 hour radius from Lyndhurst.
Along with a scientific background, Tom has ridden since the age of 3 and is very interested in the research angle of the saddlery industry.
Following on from his very well received Zoom lecture on “Factors Affecting Saddle Fit”, Tom returns to us by popular demand, for 2 hours of live lecture/demo with real horses, and time for questions.  

Saddle Fit – the basics of Balance & Stability
Topics include:
Saddle Trees
Balanced and Unbalanced Saddles
Different horse shapes

£4 members.  £5 non-members. Cash on the day.
Please bring something to sit on and appropriate clothing!
Norton Livery, Lower Norton Farm, Sutton Scotney SO21 3NE
What3Words: ///daytime.digit.undercuts

Tom is very lively and personable and his Zoom lecture was enjoyed by all.  Many thanks go to Norton Competition Livery for allowing us to use their arena. 

Socials being considered by the Committee:

Tack Table Top sale


BVRC Hot Cross Bun Social Ride, Bulford/Tidworth Road – Easter Sunday, 12th April – CANCELLED

Equine Leg Dissection Interactive Talk at Endell Equine Hospital – Thursday 12th March

Endell Equine Hospital, Southampton Road, Salisbury SP5 3DG ,
With Hani Milstein MA VetMB CertES (Orth) MRCVS, Clinical Director of Endell Equine Hospital
BVRC have organised an interactive talk with yet another talented BVRC member, Hani Milstein.  Our horse’s legs are so important for soundness, and I’m sure we’d all agree, are the most common sites of injuries.  This is an excellent opportunity to improve your understanding of the structure of the horse’s  limbs.  Hani will start with a short slide presentation of the basics of structure and anatomy.  We will then move down to the treatment rooms where there will be a number of partially prepped limbs for groups of 3/4 to handle and examine. For those who really want to get stuck in, there will be the opportunity to do some hands-on dissecting.
Having attended dissections previously, I can assure you that it is not bloody and gory but an amazing way to see and understand exactly how the limbs that you handle on a daily basis are put together.  If you don’t wish to see the real limbs, there will be models and bones to examine and a tour of the hospital available.
Numbers strictly limited.  A waiting list will be held.
£2 members, £5 non-members to include tea/coffee.  Payment on arrival.

Please email to save your place and let Susie (BVRC Sec) know if you want to view the dissections or not, and/or tour the hospital.  If you are subsequently unable to attend, please let me know so that others may take your place.

Healthy Gut Healthy Horse – Friday 21st February, 7.00pm.  Victoria Hall, Sutton Scotney, S)21 3GX

A presentation by Marion Watt of Equestrian Bowen.  In conjunction with Winchester Riding Club.

Understanding the Structure and Function of the Horse’s gut to aid understanding of dysfunction and it’s effect on Health, Soundness and Performance of your horse
£10 entry.  Proceeds from this talk will be donated to a local RDA group.

Rider Psychology – Thursday 6th February, 7.30pm.

By Dr Hannah Whitney.  Further details to follow.

BVRC Annual Quiz Night – Friday 17th January, 7.30 for 8.00pm.  The Lion, Clanville

Our popular annual quiz is for members and guests.  The quiz includes several rounds of questions each on a different topic e.g. General Knowledge, Sport, Entertainment, etc. with equestrian questions in a round or mixed in.

A couple of ‘beer rounds’ are included to allow us to keep topped up with food & drink.  Four or five people can make up a team, or if you come on your own then just turn up and we can find a team for you to join.

A list of devious questions will be devised, guaranteed to get the old grey cells working and provide plenty of amusement.

Come early, order a drink and some food, ready for the quiz to start at 8pm.

If you wish to eat you MUST pre-book with the Lion in advance, by Monday 13th January. Details of menus can be found on

Quiz cost is £5 members, £6 non members.


BVRC Winter Supper Evening – Friday 29th November

Each year we hold a pre or post Christmas meal for members, spouses and friends.  Curries seem to be the most popular!  This year we have booked the Goa Balti, Everleigh again for Friday 29th November.  Names to Lindsay Hills by Saturday 23rd, nag[at]  £22 members.  £24 non-members.

BVRC Table Top Tack Sale – Saturday 30th November

12.00pm – 3.30pm
Wildhern Village Hall, Andover
Hampshire SP11 0JE
Tables: £10 each
Limited number of tables available and sold on a first come, first served basis.
Sellers set up from 11.15am
Tea, coffee and cakes available
Buyers entry £1.00 per person

Contact: Victoria Smith 07789 004 364
or to book a table.

BVRC Xmas Ride, Larkhill Racecourse, Sunday 29th December

Each year around Christmas we usually hold a ride for members and guests (by invitation only) across Salisbury Plain starting and finishing at Larkhill Racecourse.  The date depends on when the Plain stands down from military activities.  What better way to see out the year than a brisk ride on Salisbury Plain with friends.   

There are usually two groups, one cantering about a bit more than the other mostly walk/trot ride. When we return to the lorry park there will be hot drinks and nibbles to consume before you head off home.

Names must be logged with the organiser in advance and as these rides are usually popular you need to register your interest early.

The ride is free to members and a small charge of £5 to friends (16 years and over), payable on the day.

Please arrive in time to be ready for a 10.30am departure and we aim to be back at the parking area about 12.30pm for refreshments.  Emergency contact on the day only is 07377 087121 (no texts).