Join Online

Bourne Valley Riding Club is open to riders and non-riders, aged seventeen years or over. Each subscription year starts on the 1st January. If you wish to join the Club you can either join online, or complete an application form and post it with a cheque, as detailed on the Application Form page.

By providing your details to BVRC you agree to them being used by the Committee to contact you about Club activities, events and requests for help.  To fulfil your membership requests, personal details will also be passed on to the British Riding Clubs Office at the British Horse Society. 

Information is usually sent out by email from the and it is recommended that you save this address, plus, to your Contacts to avoid them going into Spam.

Online payments are completed through My Riding Life, for which you have to register your own account (free of charge).  This will also enable you to enter online many other events in the region which use MRL.  There is a single transaction cost of £1.50 when you make a “purchase”, to cover the cost of the system provided. It isn’t a lot when compared to the cost of the paper, toner, envelope, stamp and time to get to the post box!

To join/renew online Click Here.

BVRC Terms & Conditions


This will open a new page from My Riding Life with a list of the different membership/renewal options.  To continue, click on onlineentry.