Arena Eventing Qualifiers & Championships

These classes are qualifiers for the BRC Arena Eventing Championship at Aston le Walls.  Where there is a team of 4, it is the best 3 scores which count.  Teams at 70 and 80 must be Senior or Junior, at 90 and 100 they may be a mix.

The competition consists of a timed jumping course ridden in cross country attire with Blue Label 2018 body protectors being compulsory.  The first half of the course will be show jumps and the second half cross country style fences which will include “skinny” fences.  The last fence will be a show jump up to 10cm higher than the max.  

2024 Arena Eventing Qualifier will be at Moreton EC, Dorset on Sunday 21st April.

Qualifier for Max heights SJ/XC Speed Individuals Application & Deadline
AE 70 70cm 340 m/min Yes  
AE 80 80cm 350 m/min Yes Online Application
AE 90 90cm 360 m/min Yes Deadline:
AE 100 100cm 375 m/min Yes 22 March 2024