Combined Qualifiers & Championships

These classes are qualifiers for the BRC Combined Championship at Aston le Walls.  Where there is a team of 4, it is the best 3 scores which count.  Teams at 70 and 80 must be Senior or Junior, at 90 and 100 they may be a mix.

The Challenge consists of a timed show jumping course followed by a cross country course, sometimes immediately without a pause, all on grass.  As a result, both courses are ridden in cross country attire with Blue label 2018 body protectors being compulsory.  The show jumping may include a “skinny” fence, an off-set double, or alternative fences.  

2025 Challenge Qualifier will be at Moreton EC on Sunday 29th June.

Qualifier for Max heights SJ/XC Speed (SJ, XC) Individuals Application & Deadline
Ch 70 70cm 340 m/min,
400 m/min
Ch 80 80cm 340 m/min,
435 m/min
Yes Online Application
Ch 90 90cm 340 m/min,
450 m/min
Yes Deadline:
Ch 100 100cm 340 m/min,
475 m/min
Yes Fri 30 May

XC Speeds depend on the area used.  For small arenas the speeds are between 340mpm and 375mpm depending on the class height.  In large arenas, the speed is 375mpm for all classes.  The speeds above are used for proper XC courses, as used by Area 17 at Moreton. 


The Combined Training is where members ride a dressage test, and later the same day ride a show jumping course.

2025 Combined Training Qualifier will be at Sparsholt on Sunday 10 August.

Qualifier for Dressage Tests Max SJ Individuals Applications
Novice CT Prelim 60 Yes  
  Different Prelim 60 Yes  
  Prelim 70 Yes  
  Novice 70 Yes Online Application
Open CT Prelim 60 Yes Deadline:
  Different Prelim 60 Yes Fri 30 May
  Prelim 70 Yes  
  Novice 70 Yes  


Please refer to the BRC Handbook for eligibility criteria for each qualifier